Thursday, September 22, 2011

Selling for Tyler

It is that time of year again. School sending out the little kids to sell things. I am not going to take orders and try to deliver things. If they don't think I am stressed enough they need to come on over. The only reason I even think about selling the stuff is because Tyler wants to go to the skating rink. So if you want to buy something from him go to the following web site:
Be sure to enter Tyler's name, school name: Victory Baptist School, city, and state so he will get credit. It will come directly to your house.
Orders have to be in by September 28. If you order let me know how many items so I can tell the school.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

That's awesome that your kids are going to a Christian school. I went to Christian schools K-12 and then was a teacher and a principal in Christian schools from 1992-2003. Fundraisers can get really annoyin though.