Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Pictures of the Year, 2010

Bailey ends the year with a bang. She is crawling like a champ and has stood up by herself one time. That is really good for one that could not sit up unassisted 2 months ago. She continues to say ma ma especially when she is upset. Her sight is still improving. Praise God!
Bailey still has BAD feeding issues. Please continue to pray that Bailey's feeding gets better. At this point she may still need a feeding tube. I pray this is not the case.

My little daredevil is all boy. Wyatt is still cruising furniture and will let go and just stand there without holding on. He can say da da and ma ma. We had to get a gate because he can crawl up the stairs without you even realizing it. He climbs on everything. He takes everything out of my cabinets. I put a lock on the cabinet with chemicals and that same day he handed the lock to his daddy. His feeding is getting so much better, and he seems to like to eat now.
Tyler is my heart. He is so helpful at home. He plays with Wyatt and wrestles on the floor with him. You can tell he is getting older because he has started getting tired of his little sister aggravating him and bothering his things. They fight a lot lately. He does not like school and asks all the time how much longer till the weekend. He sure does love the outdoors and loves to go see grandaddy so he can see the cows and go fishing. He missed seeing them over the Christmas break. They were sick the whole time.

Brianne loves going to 4k this year and has many friends. They all seem to be boys. She loves to aggravate her daddy by talking on the phone (play phone) to Ethan and Hayden. She asks him all the time if she can go camping with Ethan.She cut her hair. YIKES! Her newest thing is wanting to play "makeups" with mommy every night. She is dying to go have her nails done at a shop. She keeps telling daddy he can watch the babies while we go. The last 2 weeks of school she got in trouble several times. The teacher had a talk with her so we hope she starts off 2011 by staying in her seat and not hugging and talking to her friends.

My favorite picture
It sums up everything for daddy and mommy for 2010.

Bath Time Fun


We woke on the day after Christmas to beautiful snow flakes. Of course it was too hot for it to stick, but it was beautiful to see it fall. I loved driving in it.
Grandaddy, BeBe, and Sophie came up to bring presents for us. BeBe and Bailey had some time to play with her toy before the next explosion of presents happened.
A present bigger than Wyatt... I think he was amazed.
Tyler Man posing with his present
He was so happy to get his movie, Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom.
This is the best picture I could get of Brianne. She was having a very bad attitude day. She got to stay in her room for most of the visit.
Sophie was so sweet to help W and B open their presents.

She is hoping no one can see her eating the ribbon.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Taken for Granted

It is the small things we take for granted when we have a normal, healthy child. We expect our children to come to us when they are hurt or upset. This has not been the case for Bailey nor has many of the other things you expect for your little one. I would have never guessed that Bailey would not sit up unassisted until she was one. Yesterday she brought tears to my eyes. I was in the next room and I heard her crying. She had pulled something down on her head so I told her to come to me. She started crawling to me saying "ma ma ma ma." Big, big steps for a child who just a few short weeks ago made no eye contact and the doctor had mentioned autism because of it. Everyday we see what a miracle she really is.
Today she hit another major milestone. I walked into the room and she was standing up. She is a big girl standing up all by herself.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas to All

This is what it looks like when Santa brings presents for a herd of children.

Tyler is obviously feeling better for Christmas morning.

Wyatt finds the bicycle horn. He and Baily will later find the bike and both work on it at the same time. It was very much double trouble. The bike had to be moved to the garage before an injury occurred.
Bailey has started laughing when I get the camera after her. I thought it was just a fluke, but she has done it several times. Maybe she likes having her picture taken.

We had the big kids open their presents first. By the time we got to Wyatt and Bailey they were very overstimulated. Opening their presents did not go well, and the toys are still in the boxes.

They did manage to ride their stockings around. By 10 AM they were falling asleep in their highchairs.
Who would have thought the bear would have blown up to this incredible size. What was Santa thinking? Did he not read the package and see how big it was?
By nightfall Wyatt was exhausted. He and Mac took a rest on his couch. Wyatt even covered himself up. It is amazing how smart he is at this age. He is only 11 months adjusted.

Christmas Eve

Grandma and Mr. Steve came up Christmas Eve to give us gifts and food! We had a nice visit and it was so nice to have family come to see us. Being unable to go around a bunch of people makes for a sad Christmas. We are already seeing flu cases around our area so we have to be extra careful. Thankfully we are still getting out synagist shots so we are hoping we are covered for RSV.

Little Wyatt loves everything. He especially loves bows and eating wrapping paper.
Mr. Steve and Bailey opened her presents.
Tyler has been dying for an Alabama hat.
Brianne's favorite gift was the coat. She wanted to wear it all day long.

Later I noticed Bailey at the window that faces our neighbor's house. Wyatt joined her at the window and they really seemed to enjoy what they were watching. The neighbors were out in the cold washing their car. Look how tiny Bailey looks at the window. She really is a Little Bit.
Tyler had been acting funny while Grandma and Mr. Steve were here. We later found out why. He apparently had a stomach virus.
He managed to get outside for a few minutes to feed the reindeer. Poor fellow had to run back inside to be sick.
Brianne loved feeding the reindeer and was so toasty in her jacket she wanted to stay outside.
Tyler was too sick to help place the stockings out so Brianne put everyone's stocking out by the chimney. Now they just need to go to sleep.

Sending Santa THE Letter

Monday night we did our traditional letter burning to Santa. Afterward you know we had to have marshmallows.
We brought out each of the twins just to put their letter in the fire.

It was official. Santa knew what each of the kids wanted. Now we just had to wait and see if the kids had been good enough for Santa to come. It is a little doubtful for Wyatt.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Monumental Day

One year ago today Wyatt was transferred back to the same hospital as his sister. The nurse practitioner said the words I was waiting to hear, "he just needs to feed and grow now." This is the closest I got to someone telling us the twins were going to survive. Before this I almost took back the double stroller and car seat we had purchased. I can remember the first thing I bought for them after they were born. I bought wrapping paper for each one the day after Christmas. This year I am thankful for that paper. Each child has their own specific paper. Santa told me to do this.

Another important event happened on the last day of school. Brianne cut her hair at school. I keep saying it could have been worse but come on it took her forever to grow what little she has.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Cards

This year due to lack of time we could not send all our friends and family Christmas cards. We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Merry Christmas

We have had a blessed year. It was full of joy and hundreds of doctors appointments. It is still hard to believe that we are a family of 6. If you have been to the house and heard all the noise, it would be easy to believe. How do you summarize the year for 4 children and keep it under 10 pages? Here is my attempt.

Tyler has had a very busy year. He finished 1st grade with straight A’s. This summer he was enrolled in basketball, soccer, swimming, and wrestling camp. His favorite thing this summer was our two trips to Gatlinburg. He started 2nd grade in another school. We wanted him to attend a school that had stronger academics. He is such a sweet boy so he had no problem fitting in with everyone. He is a really good big brother and enjoys Wyatt chasing him around. Tyler turned 8 on December 9.

We had to take Brianne out of 3K because of the babies. She was always sick, and we were afraid she would pass it to the babies. During the summer she was taking gymnastics and swimming, but she had to stop because she broke her clavicle. She was happy to stop swim because she does not like the water. She turned 4 on July 6. She has grown really tall and was in the 95th percentile for height. Brianne was very excited to learn that she would start 4K at the same school as her brother. She attends half days and loves going to see all her friends.

Wyatt is our little ham. He loves to smile at people in hopes of getting them to hold him. We hope he had his last surgery in July. Both twins have had major feeding issues, but Wyatt is now doing much better. He now acts hungry. Wyatt is crawling and cruising furniture so walking is right around the corner. The follow up clinic deemed him 2 months ahead of his adjusted age. He tips the scale at a hefty 18 pounds.

Bailey, aka Little Bit, is our little fighter. She is definitely the one that has had to struggle the hardest. Early intervention, through the Institute for the Deaf and Blind, started seeing her around her first birthday because she was still not sitting unassisted. In the last 6 weeks she has improved both with sight and development. She can see much better and will look at your face. She just started crawling 2 weeks ago! She recently spent a night in the hospital having procedures done. They were trying to figure out why she will not eat. The doctor believes it is behavioral and wants her to see occupational therapy. I pray that the next year will see great improvements in eating for her. She weighs almost 16.5 pounds.

We hope that your family has a joyful Christmas and a great New Year. May the next year be as joyful as the last.

Lee, Regina, Tyler, Brianne, Wyatt, and Bailey