Friday, December 23, 2011

Catching up on November

I had noticed that Bailey's pack n play had a small hole in the side. It was the pack n play we got 9 years ago with Tyler. I love this pack n play because it is so deep. She sleeps in our room in it so I did not think anything of the hole. I also did not notice the hole was getting bigger. Well.... I went in to check on her during nap time and this is what I found..

We (I mean I) decided to have a yard sale. We made just enough to put pine straw in our beds. The yard sale was not worth the time and effort, but on the plus side we did get the yard cleaned. The same day we discovered a certain little girl out of her bed again. When she saw Lee she went and stuck her head back in her bed. I guess she thought he could not see her out of the bed. LOL

We started working on the Christmas tree on November 27. The big kids were not very interested in helping with it at all. I was disappointed, but the little ones were crazy about the "lights." I am sad to say we still did not complete the tree.

Friday, November 18, 2011

My Little Indian

Brianne decided to dress up as an Indian for school today. I waited till the last minute to get anything because she had not mentioned dressing up. She came home all excited yesterday telling me she could dress up as a Pilgrim or Indian for school. Off to Hobby Lobby we all went to buy fabric, leather, feathers, and paint. Tyler and Brianne painted the material. They had a good time and really that is all that counts.

This is Brianne's side. She went with the draw her cousins and brother theme. Tyler stuck with Indian symbols.
Someone could have mentioned that the paint bleeds through the material. It got all over the table. Thank goodness it was one of the table in the garage.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dear Doctor,

Dear Dr. K****,

Guess what?! I beat prematurity! I just thought you might want to know that since this is Prematurity Awareness Month. My mommy sure doesn't like you very much. You said so many awful things to her when I was in the NICU. My lungs did not "fall apart," and I even came home from the hospital with no oxygen or respiratory medications. Maybe you should learn some bedside manners so you don't hurt another mommy's feelings.

Sorry I have to go. I have more tables to climb and toys to throw out of the toy box.

P.S. Don't tell my mommy and daddy I know how to get a pen and write on the wall.

Dear Dr. B*****,

You helped me beat the odds. My mommy thinks you are the bestest person around. You always called her at just the right time to give her an update. I think she might have lost her mind without some of those phone calls. Thank you for never giving up on me. My mommy was so glad when you allowed my brother to be transferred back to your hospital. We love all the nurses too especially the ones that carried me around and held me when I was bigger.

P.S. Please tell all those nurses thank you for teaching me how to make my mommy and daddy hold me all the time. I now have mad skills.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Prematurity Awareness Month

November is Prematurity Awareness Month. Show your support by wearing purple this Thursday, November 17.

Sorry I got a couple of the dates wrong. I will correct them later. Her current picture is Nov 6 and his should be Oct 16.
Jessica I love the idea of seeing the picture of you in the purple. Please send us a picture!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Hospital

Although the babies were still sick the day after Halloween, they took the time to say goodbye to "bony." Of course Tyler named him bony.

Wyatt also took the time to make Grandaddy proud and play mechanic.

Now that they are getting better we begin the long process of trying to get back the weight on them. Wyatt is only down to 20.5 pounds (insert sarcasm). When Bailey goes for her synagis shot I plan to ask the doctor what they could have done differently this time.

Maw and I took Brianne for a girls weekend. The first night we stayed in Helen, GA. That was one LONG drive. It would not take that long if we could avoid Atlanta.
Saturday morning we went to the Cabbage Patch Hospital.

Brianne with a couple of nurses in the preemie baby room.
This is one of the Grandmothers in the toddler room.
I wonder what Brianne is thinking about when she looks at all those babies.
Baby Caitlyn was just born. Brianne gets to adopt her.
The doctor is giving her baby its first checkup and dressing it to leave.
Brianne taking the pledge to adopt her baby.

Brianne leaves with her new baby daughter that she named Caitlyn Whitney.
The front of the hospital
It has come a long way. It use to be a very small building. I wish I had a picture of the old building.
Saturday night we stayed in Auburn. We took Maw to eat at Cock of the Walk. YUM!! If you ever see one eat there!
Bailey thinks she made out like a mad bandit when we brought home this skirt for her. I was really surprised that she would wear it since the material might feel funny to her hands. She has even brought it to me so I will put it on her.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Just wanted to put it out there that I am in total denial about the size of clothes my children wear. There is no way that Brianne is wearing a size 6. I bought a pair of jeans in a size 6 and thought they would never fit her. I almost cried when they fit. She is too darn tall. I also refuse to admit that Bailey is still in a size 12 month. She is 2! I have been packing up her 12 month clothes from last winter. Lee put a pair on her, and they fit. I refuse to acknowledge this. Poor Wyatt is in an 18 month size. Poor fellow I hope he is not always so short. What did I do to my poor babies?
Tyler finally made it to a size 8.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

Again this year the babies are sick for Halloween. The first year they were in the NICU fighting for their life, the second year they had colds, and this year they have the stomach virus. We all ended up with the virus (all 6 of us!!). Wyatt has lost so much weight you can see the bones in his head. He is really pitiful.
Although we were all sick I tried to make Halloween fun for the big kids. We carved a pumpkin on Sunday. I tried to get pictures and videos of all of them touching the pumpkin "guts." I think Tyler definitely had the most facial expressions.

Brianne just wanted to go wash her hands.

Wyatt was picking out imaginary pieces of the pumpkin. I don't think he ever actually touch anything.

Bailey refused to even let Lee put her hand down in the pumpkin. I am telling you the girl knew it was food so she wanted nothing to do with it.

The pumpkin definitely looked better lit up at night. Tyler would pick the hard one to do.

For Halloween night we took all four to Ra Ra's mom's house. It is the first and only house the babies have trick or treated at. The babies then went home, and I took Tyler and Brianne to a Church festival and trunk or treat event.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cheering and the Pumpkin Patch

October 18
The high school cheerleaders had a special night where the elementary girls could cheer with them. The Saturday before the game they practiced with them. This was a highlight for Brianne. She talked about it for weeks before. It was fun for the girls and very cute to see them cheer.

The little girl who sits on Brianne's back reminds me of Bailey. I hope one day to see Bailey on that field.

October 20
Another new thing for Bailey is wearing people's shoes. She doesn't put them on herself. She brings them to you to put on. She really enjoys them if they make noise when she walks.

They continue to enjoy the balloons.
Why do they have to read my books?
October 26
Brianne had a field trip, and I actually got to go. We started the day with the firemen coming to the school to talk with them about safety.
We then went to the pumpkin patch. The "farmer man" told us all about pumpkins. Brianne enjoyed holding the rotten pumpkin.
We then rode the hay ride to pick out a pumpkin.
Playing in the corn
We then went to Cracker Barrel for the kids to make biscuits. We also enjoyed a nice breakfast there. The field trip ended with a trip to the library. It was a fun packed 4 hours.
After we got home we took them to a local pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin.
Poor Tyler was at school when we went.

Oh another new thing I saw Bailey do this month was driving a car on the floor. Go Bailey!

Happy Birthday, Wyatt and Bailey!

October 15 Wyatt and Bailey turned 2! Oh what a long way they have come in 2 short years. I found some pictures on Lee's phone of them in the first few weeks of being in the NICU. What a scarey, lonely time for us.
This is Wyatt a few days after his first big surgery. He would have been between 1 and 2 weeks old.

In this picture Bailey is around 2 weeks old. It is the day after she was transferred to South to be put on the oscillator. It is the first time I had ever touch her. I was so glad to find this picture on Lee's phone.
October 15, 2010
Wyatt and Bailey on their 1st birthday
October 16 the day of their 2nd birthday party
We again kept their party small due to the RSV, flu, and cold season.

Grandaddy was a bad boy and let Wyatt play in the cake.

Brianne was sweet and helped them open their gifts. She has also grown and changed a lot in the last year.
First time on his 4-wheeler

A video of Wyatt riding his motorcycle for the first time.

Mr. Steve, Tyler, and Brianne playing frisbee.

Enjoying Bailey's bean bag the next day.

Tyler says Bailey is studying her cards. If you look at her leg you can see her band aid where she went to the doctor for her 2 year old check up. She got two shots. One vaccine was for hepatitis. The other was her RSV shot which she will get every month for 5 months. We are so thankful she was approved by insurance to get it. It cost nearly 5K per shot. Wyatt did not qualify so we are just praying he doesn't get RSV.