Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bathtubs and Highchairs

Wednesday was the first time that Wyatt and Bailey used the baby bathtub.
Wyatt was not thrilled with the bath experience. Every time I put water on his chest and belly he cried.
Bailey seemed to like her bath. She only cried when I got the "butterflies" out of her ears. For anyone who has seen her umbilical hernia, you can tell in this picture that it is getting smaller. I wish it would hurry up and close up so that would be one less thing to worry about.
Spiky hair
Yesterday we put the highchair together so we decided to give it a try. Wyatt just smiled and cooed while he sat in it. I never could get a picture of him smiling because the flash always scares him. In the last few days it is like a light bulb has gone off in his head. He does not sleep as much and anytime he is awake you better be right there paying him attention. Bailey stills seems to lag a week or two behind him so she still likes to sleep.

Bailey could care less. She just wants us to stop trying to keep her awake.

All I have to say is that I tried to tell her she was too big.

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