Sunday, November 8, 2009

Another Long Weekend

Thursday and Friday were very hard days and in the preemie world they were some of the many "bad days." Wyatt was having issues keeping his blood pressure up and had to be started on dopamine. He then had problems with his lungs and had to have his ventilator settings increased and his endotracheal tube (tube in the lungs) changed out. Thankfully by the time we got there Saturday morning he was doing better.
Bailey has given us a scare with her belly. She is on "NEC watch." It is the same intestinal issues that Wyatt had surgery for, but her infection has been caught early. She is on antibiotics and we hope this takes care of the problem.
Both babies had a good day on Saturday and Sunday. Wyatt now weighs 2 lb 7 oz, and Bailey weighs 1 lb 15 oz.

I thought I had our camera fixed but unfortunately it is still not focusing. We were unable to take pictures, but the nurses in Birmingham took pictures of Wyatt and emailed them to me. I hope to get some of Bailey soon.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Sorry about the 2 bad days. (((hugs)) What an emotional rollercoaster! Hopefully there will be more good days than bad. You and your babies are in my daily prayers!!!