Thursday, October 30, 2008

McCain and Palin

Over the last few months I have seen so many blogs that support Obama. They trash Palin by attaching her children, her looks, and her beliefs. The list of things they attach McCain for is endless. I do not think that McCain is wonderful, but very much the best choice when considering the EVIL person running against him. I have decided this blog post will be my avenue to express my opinion. It sickens me that I can't even put a McCain/Palin sign in my yard or on my car because of fear of my safety from Obama "fans." Where I live Obama fans can be down right scary, and they are a mean sort. I have no doubt I could possibly be attached. This video could definitely been recorded here in my state:

I would never support a man that considers abortion the way to go if you "get in trouble." He believes in out right murder (if abortion is not murder enough) of infants born alive from failed abortions. I am a Christina therefore I believe abortion is wrong.

I also do not believe in redistribution of my wealth. Get you butt out and get a job. If you are not satisfied with what you make then get an education r further the education you have. I am tired of handouts to people that don't need it. The people that need help, namely the elderly, never get help. Is he going to redistribute what he makes? NO!!

I will vote for someone that mirrors my beliefs. I will vote for someone that is of the Christian faith not muslim. If you don't think he is muslim then you need to become educated and watch some of the words that he has used in his speeches.

I do not support socialized medicine. If you think people don't get treatment now you just wait. If you are over a certain age you no longer qualify for many surgeries and treatments. Under socialized medicine you will be treated for cancer, but when your number is called for treatment (months after diagnosis) the cancer will have spread. It will be too late. Many hospitals will be closed down. You say no that can't happen. There is already not enough beds. Well when you are sick you will have to just wait for an open bed. Many health care workers will lose there job. Why do you think we have so many Canadian nurses working in the United States?

I do not want to live in a socialist country. Why did my ancestors fight for our freedom? They will have died in vain.

These are just a few reasons why I am voting for McCain.
***Warning**** If I don't like any comments made against what I have said I will erase them. This is my time to voice my opinion.


junglemama said...

You go girl! And I don't mind at all!

Ruth said...

Well most of my neighbors have McCain signs in their yards so you wouldn't be scared to do that if you were my neighbor. :-) I agree that McCain is far better than Obama. I too am scared at our country becoming more socialistic. I hope that McCain wins even though I am not voting for him. It seems Obama is going to win and that is frightening.