Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas Break

December 16 was the last day of school before Christmas break. They were excited to go to school that day because of their Christmas party, and also Tyler knew he only had to go for half day.
Brianne's class made their shirt for that day. I think they did a good job.

I went to Brianne's party.
There was singing....

Good food....
and even better was gift time....
I am so thankful that Tyler and Brianne go to a school where prayer is allowed and God is part of their everyday studies.

December 18
The kids wrote their list and sent them to Santa. They were cutting it close this year.

You gotta catch Wyatt fast. I barely got this picture.
She just doesn't understand what the fire is and where her paper went.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! It is wonderful that Tyler and Brianne can go to a Christian school. ;-)