Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Normal Thing: Eating

You would think that at this point eating would be a normal everyday thing for Bailey. Who has a baby that does not want to eat? Don't you know that a baby will eat when they are hungry? They won't stave themselves. Oh how I wish this were true and not just something most people say and believe. I don't think that I mentioned Bailey and I made the long trip to B'Ham to see an occuaptional therapist. It was definitely a waste of my time, gas money and $32 copay. She started off talking about feeding tubes and I knew where she was coming from. She did not know Baiely at all and starts the tube feeding thing. This was even one of Bailey's rare eating days. She drank 2 ounces of milk in no time and ate 1/2 bowl of cereal. I finally had to firmly tell the woman that at this time a feeding tube is not an option. She then proceeded to tell me "suggestions" for us to follow and that we did not need to come back. She said we might need her closer to when she is 2. No thank you, I don't need this woman at all. I left there thinking that she needed Bailey to get a tube so she would get paid more and have her for longer.

We are now going to see a feeding team here (Jan. 25) that I did not know about. I am also trying to get an appointment with an OT in town I have heard good things about.

Please let's all pray daily for Bailey to overcome her fear of eating and adversion to liquids and food. Please add her to your Church prayer list. Let's turn it over to God and let him heal her. Tell anyone you know that is a prayer warrior to pray so we can get this behind Bailey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will get the prayer teams going for Bailey. We want this precious girl to overcome this fear of eating.

Love Gransmama