Monday, January 31, 2011

Coasting Along


They have definitely become "double trouble." Wyatt takes everything off the counter tops and then Bailey plays with it and if possible tears it up. It is amazing what Wyatt can reach and get.
Poor Daddy does not have enough hands to hold them all. They like to sit in front of the computer and watch music videos. We have also been busy skyping with Maw and Grandaddy so Wyatt now goes and points to the computer for them. Wyatt now spends a lot of time clapping, pointing at things, dancing to music, and pushing his cars across the floor.
Bailey has gotten very good at standing up. For a while there she was afraid to stand up because she could not figure out how to sit back down. She does not like to fall down so when that happened to her she stopped standing for more than a week. The therapist got her to cruise the ottoman on Thursday. I have not seen her do it again. She loves to take toys away from Wyatt and has improved her skills at snatching the toy away. Wyatt will often crawl away screaming when she takes a toy. He does not give up though because in a few seconds he comes back and snatches it away and crawls away from her. She is slow as a turtle so she can't keep up with him.
Wyatt has been taking 3-4 steps now for about 3 weeks, but the other day I saw him walk from the couch to the door. He could be walking, but I think he prefers crawling because he is so fast. He is getting 2 more teeth so that will make 8. I don't know about Bailey because she won't open up her mouth very wide because she fears someone will put food in her mouth.

1 comment:

Bo, Becky, and Sophie said...

I just sent you a skype request. We need to skype with y'all sometime. Love the pics!