Thursday, January 22, 2009

What to do....

So besides working what else is there to do around our city? There is absolutely nothing to do around here. We do live in the armpit of the state.

To pass the time we bought a book shelf, and Lee and Tyler put it together. Then Brianne and I "organized" the book shelf.

We are so bored the children have taken to exercising with me. Poor Tyler has ended up with a smaller ball than Brianne's. I somehow don't think this is fair. They would really like to have my ball. Tyler does get to use my old weights.

This is about as much exercise as we can get out of Brianne.


junglemama said...

How cute. Our kids are feeling cooped up too.

BTW, I thought yesterday's bill signing was just the first of many acts that shows how pro-abotion our president is. It wasn't a shock.

Anonymous said...

Good evening

Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!