Thursday, August 14, 2008

7/14/08, Science Center

Pam and I took Jacob and Tyler to the Science Center in Birmingham, Alabama. We wanted them to see the dinosaur exhibit of the dinosaurs found in Alabama. We had a great time and wish we would have had more time to explore. Some of our time was cut short due to the flat tire we had on the way up there. Brianne stayed at home with Maw.

I did not see the sign that said no pictures in this area (aquarium area only) until after I had taken this picture. Enjoy the picture and don't expect any more because now I know better.

Jacob and Tyler in the mouth of a fish

Anyone that knows Tyler very well knows that this exhibit is right down Tyler's alley. He loves to be a dog and can run on all fours better than he can walk on his two feet.

Jacob trying out one of the exhibits

Tyler dancing on the mat (see video below) when he is really just suppose to avoid the bouncing light ball

He seems amazed with this one.

Poor Jacob and Tyler don't realize that this tug of war game is tipped in the other sides favor, and they will never beat the opponent.

A very good day indeed! If you are ever in Birmingham the Science Center is a must see.

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