Sunday, May 27, 2012

April's End

Wyatt likes to "read" Tyler's book. He has his own, but he thinks he is as big as Tyler. Bailey loves to tear out all the pages for us.
Tyler's end of the year music program was April 13. I stayed at home with the twins so I don't have any videos. Lee took the pictures.

Oh the days of Bob the Builder!! I remember my little Tyler and his love of Bob the Builder. What a sweet age. Little man needs a new pair of these glasses. It is suppose to be held on with elastic but I had to tie it in the back. Poor fellow has a hard time keeping them on.

April 15
Why is our room the magnet for the kids? I move their toys out, and I look around and they are back.
I had to match Brianne's shirt to her bow. Whoever heard of picking out your clothes based on the bow you want to wear that day? Ask Brianne because she can tell you how this works. I think she has been in bow withdrawals. She lost all her bows, and I waited a LONG time to replace them.

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