Sunday, May 27, 2012

Biting Update

Did I mention the biting is going much better? They rarely bite each other or the big kids. Now where do you think the bite mark in this picture came from? Wyatt bit himself. Why would he do this? Craziness!! He has not done it again.

Last Soccer Game, May 7

Brianne had her last soccer game. I am very surprised how smoothly it all went for us. She didn't miss one game! I did have to get Mr. Mary to help a few afternoons with the babies. I was very doubtful that we would manage to pull it off.

Prayer before the game
I am so very thankful we can take our children to a Christian school. I pray that Bailey will catch up so she can go also.  

She received her metal. She was so proud of it. How many athletes do you know that could pull off the "bow look" on the field?
I swear I am gonna put a book on her head to slow down how tall she is getting. Look at her height compared to the others!!

April's End

Wyatt likes to "read" Tyler's book. He has his own, but he thinks he is as big as Tyler. Bailey loves to tear out all the pages for us.
Tyler's end of the year music program was April 13. I stayed at home with the twins so I don't have any videos. Lee took the pictures.

Oh the days of Bob the Builder!! I remember my little Tyler and his love of Bob the Builder. What a sweet age. Little man needs a new pair of these glasses. It is suppose to be held on with elastic but I had to tie it in the back. Poor fellow has a hard time keeping them on.

April 15
Why is our room the magnet for the kids? I move their toys out, and I look around and they are back.
I had to match Brianne's shirt to her bow. Whoever heard of picking out your clothes based on the bow you want to wear that day? Ask Brianne because she can tell you how this works. I think she has been in bow withdrawals. She lost all her bows, and I waited a LONG time to replace them.

K5 Open House

Brianne's class had an open house on April 10. She is typical Brianne on the stage. Bored and antsy....

Just a small part of the program. I am not good at taking videos. They are always shaky and blurry.


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Easter Morning, 2012

On Easter morning the kids and I tried very hard to be very quiet because Lee had been at work late the night before. We finally gave up the fight and looked to see if the Easter bunny came. You can imagine that with 4 excited kids Lee got very little sleep after they saw the baskets.

Brianne was so excited about her straws! Who would have thought?! They all got new toothbrushes and toothpaste.
 After we managed to wake up Lee we all got ready and went to see the Easter bunny at Bass Pro Shop. I told Wyatt it was a big ole stuffed animal. He bought it! He jumped right up beside it and started petting it on its arm. Bailey didn't buy it at all. She is also scared of dolls and stuffed animals so that may have also been the problem.

Later that afternoon the kids hunted eggs in the backyard.

It didn't take long before Bailey and Wyatt were done with the eggs. They much preferred the swing set.

I have never seen two kids fight over eggs like Brianne and Tyler did. After they were done fighting finding the eggs, I told them a story about the real meaning of Easter. By the time we were done it was getting dark, and the mosquitoes were horrible. We are in for one "buggy" summer.
P.S. Yes the Easter bunny comes to our house. If he doesn't come to your house I feel very sorry for you. Is there really anything wrong with allowing children to have an imagination?