Monday, November 15, 2010

Feeding and Testing

Bailey's eating difficulties continue to deteriorate. She will no longer suck her bottle when she is awake. We have to force feed her for most of her bottles. She is no longer interested in eating her baby food, and table food are a no go for her. After a horrendously bad week I broke down Friday and called her GI dr. He was out of town so he called be back today. She will go in the hospital on November 30 for a ph study, EGD, ultrasound, and lab work. If all goes well she will only spend one night in the hospital. I thought surely by now this issue would have gotten better. She would literally starve herself to death. What part of being a micro-preemie causes this? There are many, many women out there that would pay a lot of money for this answer. When I am struggling with her I try to think of all the other parents struggling to get their preemie to eat also. Please keep her in your prayers. I can only pray that Wyatt does not start up again doing this same thing.


Ruth said...

I'm so sorry. I have an awful time getting Ian to eat from a spoon, but he has no trouble with bottles. I hope that Wyatt doesn't regress and that you get some answers for Bailey. (((hugs)))

Bo, Becky, and Sophie said...

We will be praying!

Anonymous said...

Hi Regina,
I'll be praying...I get frustrated just trying to feed Luke, as he decides what days he wants to eat and what he wants to eat (some days he likes what I give him, and some days he want eat the same thing he's had 5 times before!!), and yet he is a very healthy boy. I cannot imagine going through eating difficulties with sweet Bailey! Praying that God will direct the doctors so that an answer will be found and she will eat better.

Anonymous said...

Praying for the right doctor with the right answers. I hope this will be soon.

Grandmama and Steve