Thursday, August 12, 2010

Update on Wyatt and Bailey

Wyatt is a very busy, personable little soul. He loves to smile at people but is very quick to look around to find his mommy and daddy. He really enjoys his big brother and sister. They are like circus people to him. He is everywhere. For the last few weeks he has rolled anywhere he wants to be. He can get his legs under him so I have no doubt that he will crawl soon. He can sit up, but you can't leave him because he gets so excited he topples over. Since the surgery we have had major feeding issues, and he has started seeing both a GI doctor and the occupational therapist. He is down to drinking less than 16 ounces of milk a day, and he does not eat solids at all. If we try to feed him solids he vomits. He has really bad oral aversions, and I think it was caused from the extended intubation. Please keep him in your prayers as we try to figure out what to do for him.
Bailey is a quiet, dainty little baby. She has the tiniest little mouth. She has always loved to snuggle. Holding her at night brings back memories from that first time I held her in the NICU. She continues to amaze us. She is still a few weeks behind Wyatt in everything they do. We have to watch him around her because he loves to do thing to make her cry. In the last day or two she has gotten better at sitting up. I hope that in a couple of weeks she will be able to sit up unassisted. She still loves to lay on her side and suck her fingers. We are trying to get her to roll to her tummy more so she can strengthen her back. Getting her to drink her milk has become easier but by far is not like a normal baby. She LOVES sweet potatoes and cereal and will eat a bowl full at a time.

Don't be fooled by the sweetness of the picture because...
Wyatt will roll across the room just to pull Bailey's hair. She just screams, and we have to intervene. He torments her!!

It is just amazing to see Bailey grab for toys. I think the doctor is amazed she can see and said he is very hopeful. I don't know if I posted before that we chose not to do the MRI. We did not want her to have yet another test if it is not absolutely necessary.
If you don't see these babies at least once a month you are missing a lot. I am so thankful that my dad has slowed down some so he can come up and see them about every two weeks. Bailey loves granddaddy's glasses, and Wyatt is scared of granddaddy's glasses and hat. The combination of the two makes him cry.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Thanks for the update! I had been thinking of your twins lately and hoping for an update. :-) Congrats on Bailey eating so well. It's still a BIG effort to get Ian to eat solids. I can get him to eat a little yellow veggies (plain or mixed with baby oatmeal). Sometimes I worry about Ian not being anywhere near crawling or scooting, but then I remember that by his due date he'd only be 6 months old.