Thursday, May 7, 2009

2 year old Spring Program

What will a mom go through to get her 2 year old to their Spring Program? Obviously a lot. When the tornado sirens are blaring, and your car wiper blades break it is a sign you should just stay at home. As you can tell from the following pictures I did not do that.

When we were sitting in the sanctuary we noticed water coming in the side. This water was coming in a door way down a hall way. We thought it would be no problem. Think again. We ended up having to get the children down from the stage. It covered the entire floor of the sanctuary and was ankle deep at the bottom.
I told you I should have stayed home and from here the flooding only got worse.

I was trying not to let Brianne see me because I was afraid she would cry and want to come to me. She looked so sad and think it was because she had not seen us.

This is when she finally saw me sitting in the front. She kept laughing and smiling. Aren't those some sweet little hands that you could just eat up. She did a good job, and I took some video I will post later.

Grandaddy and Maw were able to make it up for the program. I think on the way home they had to have the van turned into a boat.

When we started to leave we had to wade to the car. We were lucky because we only were wet below the knee. Some people were in water almost to the waist.

I can't believe I had to drive through this water. In the deepest areas I could hear it lapping on the door. I saw several cars in the water with no drivers.

Last I heard we received 10 inches of rain from this down pour that wiped out roads and was the cause of one death.


Ruth said...

Wow that's a lot of standing water! I am glad you made it home safely. That had to be very scary.

junglemama said...

That is amazing!