Monday, September 10, 2007

Has it really been a week?

I guess it has been. This week has gone by so fast. Lee had a week off before starting Jackson for his last set of clinicals. I also took a week off to be at home with them. We did not go anywhere. Most of our time was spent looking at houses. We have found our dream home. I don't know yet if we will get the house.

Yes Patches stays outside! I only brought her in to see how she and Mac would act together. Mac is not scared of her at all. He really is just nosey and does not understand what she is.

Can you say SPOILED!!!

Patches loves to jump on Brianne and push her down. Lucky for us Brianne thinks it is funny.

This is what happens when you get a new puppy. You get your first boo boo. In this picture it is half way healed.

Brianne loves to sit with daddy on the couch.

I am so proud of Tyler. He is one of two in his class that have learned his address and phone number. His teacher stopped me today and bragged on him.

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