Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Wyatt can walk for long distances. He will not do that for the camera. I got him to walk a couple of second for this video.

Play Ball

Party with the Cabinet

I caught the end of Bailey partying with the cabinet. She spent several minutes dancing and talking to the cabinet. She has become very verbal in the last few days.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More and More Medical Appointments

We spend more time seeing medical personnel than we do anything else. At least it feels that way to me sometimes. I am sure Grandaddy and Maw feel that way also since they have to go with me all the time. We still see the vision therapist and physical therapist every other week. They both seem to be pleased with Bailey's progress.

1/11 Maw and I went to Birmingham to see the GI doctor. It was a pretty ride up there because there was still snow on the ground. When we arrived we discovered that they were closed! I was MAD because no one had the sense to call us. It ended up being a God send because they saw us on that Saturday, and Lee was able to go with us. The doctor was pleased with their weight gain and Bailey even went up on the percentile chart (mind you she has not really reached a percentile). I told him that I guess force feeding works. He gave us samples of some high calorie milk products. The one we were going to use was pediasure 1.5, but it is just simply more than we can afford. It would cost us $600 a month. We will stick to the regular pediasure for $300 month. The 1.5 has more calories. Having premature babies is very expensive. The copays at the doctor alone will kill you. Each time we take them to the doctor it is $60.

1/13 Grandaddy and I went back to Birmingham to see the Urologist. It was not a fun visit and as I told the x-ray tech we will not be doing the VCUG every year. It is a good thing the x-ray showed no evidence of reflux of the kidneys because I will not let them catheterize my babies every year. The doctor said that you can't say that the relux of the kidneys is gone based on one x-ray, but we can stop the daily antibiotics. If they start getting infections we will have to go back, but if all is well we go back to see him next year. Praise the Lord one medicine eliminated!!

1/14 I started noticing at the Urologist's office that Wyatt was pulling his ear. I have also had a problem with Brianne wetting her pants. We became concerned that she might have a kidney infection. We ended up taking both to the doctor. Wyatt has another ear infection, and there is nothing wrong with Brianne. I think she is needing extra attention. She told us the other day we needed to give B and W away so we could spend more time with her and Tyler. That broke my heart. They have been through so much and have been so good through it all. She ended up recanting and saying she did not want me to give them away. Hold tight baby girl Daddy and I have something special planned for you in March.

1/18 We went to the pediatricians for their 15 month check up. Bailey weighed 18 pounds 7 ounces and Wyatt weighed 19 pounds 3 ounces. They both have finally reached the percentile chart based on their "actual" age. They are now 0% for height and weight. :) He was pleased with both of them. I expressed my concerns with Bailey still lacking good eye contact. She also does not recognize her name. Of course we did not get any answers.

Drum Roll Please:
1/21 and 1/28 We finally got an appointment with another occupational therapist!!! She is very expensive and does not file our insurance. Insurance will only reimburse us 50% of what she charges so our part will be $3000 for the year. Is it worth it to keep Bailey off the feeding tube? I hope so. She seems to think that Bailey will not need a tube and that she can help her. She said she is more worried about the stress on the parents because they tend to give up before the child. It is very hard on us emotionally, and it is hard on a marriage. It becomes all consuming. We will see her every week. She also said that in the future she may recommend we see a neurologist because of Bailey's history.

1/25 We went to the feeding clinic through the state. There you see a dietitian, RN, OT, social worker, and speech therapist. They recommend she see OT once a week. We need to introduce new foods. (hard to do folks when she wants to eat nothing!) I did not really learn anything new, but I was pleased to learn that the dietitian will have us come in for monthly weight checks. They also set us up to see a neurologist that comes to the clinic. I am pretty sure we are going to cancel it and see if our pedi wants to send us to a doctor in B'ham.

Please remember to keep Bailey in your prayers. Also remember to pray for all the little babies struggling to survive in the NICU and pray for the parents because of the emotional and financial stain they are enduring.